Sunday, July 18, 2010

SMS: Chocolate Walnut Brownies... Minus the Walnuts and in Sundae Form

While this isn't going to become my go-to brownie recipe, it is a good one and was extremely good as a brownie sundae!

Thanks to Tiffany of A Spoonful and A Heap for hosting this week. The recipe can be found at her blog.
(On a side note, I am visiting family in Phoenix right now, so there won't be many posts until I get home later this week.)


  1. Hmm. Now I am wondering what your go to brownie is? This looks pretty darned good to me.

  2. Have a good visit! See ya when you get back!

  3. glad to know it's good without the walnuts! I might have to try it :)

  4. Gorgeous sundae~! I hope you are having a lot of fun in Phoenix visiting your parents. My parents live in Yuma, not far from Phoenix . . . I think =).

  5. Hmmmm - these look perfect for a Sunday. YUM!!!


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