Friday, February 11, 2011

Banana Roll with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Filling

I love making rolls like this. Okay, to be honest, I've only ever made Pumpkin Roll. I've never used another flavor but I make pumpkin roll often enough that it seems like I make cake rolls all the time.

When I saw this recipe over at Ingrid's blog, 3 B's, I immediately bookmarked it. The idea of using banana instead of pumpkin and filling it with a cinnamon cream cheese appealed to me. Plus, I had a couple of bananas that were begging to be used before it was too late! :)

Oh my goodness... this was SO good! I will be adding it to my permanent file and will be making it again.


Banana Roll
Recipe found on 3B's.... originally from Pinch My Salt

Powdered sugar
3/4 C. all-purpose flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/4 t. salt
3 eggs
1 C sugar
2/3 C. mashed banana (2 medium bananas)

1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
1 C. powdered sugar, sifted
6 T. butter, softened
1 t. vanilla extract
1/4 C. powdered sugar for sprinkling on top (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Grease 15×10 inch jelly-roll pan (also known as half sheet pan); line with parchment or waxed paper. Grease and flour paper; set aside. Spread out a clean, thin dish towel on the counter (make sure the towel is larger than your jelly roll pan); sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar (this can be done using a mesh strainer).

2. In a small bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda.

3. In a large bowl combine eggs and sugar; beat until thickened. Add banana; beat until well mixed.

4. Stir in flour mixture into egg mixture. Spread batter evenly into prepared pan, easing it carefully to the corners with a spatula.

5. Bake in preheated 375 degree oven for 13 to 15 minutes or until center springs back when lightly touched.

6. Immediately loosen cake from edges of pan; invert cake onto the prepared towel. Remove pan; carefully peel off paper. Roll up cake in towel while hot, starting with 10-inch side. Cool completely on wire rack (will take at least an hour).

7. When the cake is almost completely cooled, make the filling: beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter and vanilla extract in small mixer bowl until smooth. (Add some cinnamon to taste to kick it up!)

8. When cake has cooled completely, unroll and spread with filling (or your favorite cream cheese frosting) then re-roll cake. Wrap rolled cake in plastic wrap then refrigerate at least one hour (overnight is best).

9. When ready to serve, unwrap cake and place on a platter. Sprinkle with powdered sugar if desired (sift the sugar through a small mesh strainer for a nice presentation). Cut into slices.


  1. Now this is one for the keeper file! Wow it looks amazing! I love pumpkin rolls so I know I'll love this!

  2. Yummo! This sounds great, I will definitely have to give this one a try!

    I also want to let you know I have nominated you for the "Stylish Blogger Award". Come on over to my blog and check it out!

  3. i remember seeing this too and it's been on the back of my mind ever since. it's beautiful! now we have to make them!

  4. Banana.Cinnamon.Cream Cheese! Love this flavor combination girl. This looks great.

  5. ahhhh-mazing! I love anything banana!

  6. Christine, you and Ingrid are inspiring me to try this. I've been so afraid to try a cake roll, but now feel I MUST. This looks and sounds amazing!!!

  7. Yours turned out so well! Love the photo!

  8. Instead of cooling on a rack for an hour, you can pop it in the freezer. Just be careful and watch it.


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