Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What's the Scoop? - Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Chocolate and Peanut Butter. Seriously... need I say more? This peanut butter ice cream was so rich and delicious and was perfect with homemade hot fudge sauce. Mmmmm, mmmmm GOOD!


Peanut Butter Ice Cream
Recipe from Kitchen Chick

1 cup peanut butter
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup whole milk
1 - 1/3 cups heavy cream
2 tsp vanilla extract

Combine the peanut butter and sugar until smooth. Add the milk. Blend on low speed until smooth and the sugar is dissolved. Stir in the heavy cream and the vanilla.

Place in your ice cream maker and freeze according to manufacturer's directions.


  1. I really am totally jealous of all your ice cream making. Poor Grumpy, I never even want to go out to get ice cream because I can't have it. lol. I am certain I would love this too - just as much as all your other ice creams!

  2. Oooh! I am making this recipe next! Ryan loves peanut butter and we were penniless for our anniversary, so we're just doing little things for each other all month. I think he will LOVE this!

  3. You even make ice cream look like a gourmet dessert. You are amazing as always. This looks delicious.

  4. Looks pretty good. As you know I'm not crazy about chocolate or PB but put them together and something magically yummy happens. :)

  5. No need to say more. This looks awesome.

  6. Oh my....Oh my....soooo yummy!


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