Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What's the Scoop? - Chocolate Covered Pretzel Ice Cream

This ice cream gives the butter pecan a run for number one flavor in this house. I came up with this a few years back (although I'm sure someone else has created it, too!) and have been making it ever since. Can you go wrong with sweet cream ice cream, chocolate covered pretzel bits, and a delicious caramel swirl?

I will admit that one thing has changed recently, though, and that is the caramel sauce. Yes, I admit that I used to use storebought caramel for this. But, as you know, caramel used to be my kitchen nemesis. USED TO BE. Now I rock at caramel. I can say that since it took me so darn long to get it right.... I deserve to pat myself on the back a little. heehee

I don't give quantities for the amount of pretzels or caramel going in because you may want more or less.

I hope you give this flavor a try. We love it and I hope you will, too! Enjoy!

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Ice Cream
Sweet Cream Base: Ben & Jerry's
Caramel Sauce: Dorie Greenspan

Ice Cream Base:
2 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups heavy cream or whipping cream
1 cup milk

Caramel Sauce:
1 cup sugar
3 TBSP water
1 TBSP light corn syrup
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 TBSP unsalted butter

Pretzel Rods
Chocolate for dipping

For the ice cream: Whisk eggs for 1 to 2 minutes, until fluffy and light. Gradually whisk in sugar, then continue until fully blended, about a minute more. Mix in cream and milk and whisk to blend. Refrigerate until ready to use.

For caramel sauce: Put sugar, water, and corn syrup in pan and stir just to combine. Put over medium heat and cook, without stirring, until caramel turns deep amber (5-10 min). Lower heat, stand back from pan (will spatter), and add cream and butter. When the spatters calm down, stir until smooth. Cool until ready to use.

For pretzels: Break pretzels into bite sized pieces. Melt chocolate with a bit of shortening and coat pretzel pieces. Place pretzels on waxed paper to allow chocolate to set.

Freeze according to ice cream maker directions. Mix in pretzels once almost complete. Layer ice cream and caramel sauce in bowl; swirl to combine.


  1. he he, this makes me think of the new M&M Pretzel commercial. Have you seen it? Looks yummy Cristine and yay that you have caramel conquered~! I'm not so adept at it yet!

  2. Looks good Cristine.

    Homemade caramel rocks. I make it all the time as we prefer it over chocolate sauce. (go figure, hee-hee!) Try Smitten Kitchen's salted caramel sauce. INSANE!


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