Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Has it really been 4 months?!?!?!

Wow... I really did not anticipate taking a 4 month break from the blog. I didn't really anticipate taking much of a break at all. Yes, we were busy with the move (Aloha from Hawaii, by the way!!!) but I figured I'd still be able to post occasionally. Yeah... that didn't happen!

We have been in Hawaii a little over 2 months now and we are loving every second. I have been cooking and baking (not as much though... we have been enjoying the local food A LOT!!!) but as far as new meals go, I have been slacking. We have been doing a lot of old standbys and easy dinners, mostly because we stay at the beach a little too long and rush home for a home cooked meal! :)

Also, my camera died. Not sure what happened but I only have my iPhone camera right now. It works great for other pics... food pics not so much. So, when I have made something new I haven't photographed it.

All that to say I'm not sure when/if my blog will be back up. I haven't missed it the way I have in the past. I haven't felt a pull to post and I think that is okay. 4.5 years of blogging and 860 posts is a TON. That is a whole lot of recipes! I am not saying I am shutting down my blog but I am also not committing to continuing it the way it has been in the past. I have a few new recipes I've tried that I don't want to lose so I will probably post them here... just not in the traditional format with pictures & descriptions.

I'll still be cooking & baking and I hope that my blog is still a great resource for finding food inspiration. :)

Live - Laugh - Love - Cook



  1. I understand your position completely! I took a 2 year break (and started a new blog) and it was the best thing I ever did. Having said that, I'm completely envious of your new location - enjoy and visit any time you'd like!

    Megan :) (formerly of My Baking Adventures )

  2. lol...I took a break from my blog this summer when we moved. It's amazing how fast time goes by, and before you know it, it's been months! Looking forward to some yummy things :)

  3. i know exactly what you mean. i took quite a bit of time off because i just didn't have the motivation or even desire to post. i think it's healthy to take a break every now and again. glad to see you're doing well!


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