Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD: Baking with Julia - White Loaves

Tuesdays with Dorie is back!!!! I baked along for 3 1/2 years when we were working through "Baking:From My Home to Yours" and am excited to be back as we begin our journey through "Baking with Julia". I am really excited for this book because of the wide variety of recipes. It's going to be a fun ride!

The first recipe chosen were the White Loaves. There is something so wonderful about bread straight from the oven and these loaves didn't disappoint. They were gone quickly! We ate the slices with butter & honey and even used some for sandwiches. SO good!

Thanks to Laurie of Slush and Jules of Someone's in the Kitchen for leading this project and hosting this week. The recipe can be found at their blogs, or better yet, go buy the book! :)


  1. Yipeee for nice looking bread! I want to make it again..but trying to get other recipes made! Ilove the side bar..all the pictures of food.:)

  2. Looks great...I had trouble with it falling apart on me so it was just so-so but fun to make and it tasted good. Happy to be back baking TWD again...happy to see you back as well. Nice job!

  3. I thought this was a great recipe to begin with. I'm so looking forward to baking through this book with everyone!

  4. This was a great recipe to start off with, wasn't it?
    Excited to be a part of this go 'round with TWD - looking forward to many baking adventures!

  5. Terrific looking bread! Looking forward to reading more of your posts through Baking with Julia!

  6. Yay, I'm so glad you're going to be baking with us! Your bread turned out great!

  7. I'm glad to be back to baking with TWD! It's like xmas in February. :) Your loaf looks great!


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