Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TWD: Golden Brioche Loaves

Brioche is an amazingly delicious, super soft buttery bread. If you've never had brioche, you need to either go buy a loaf or make some yourself! Not only is the bread delicious but the dough has got to be the silkiest dough I have ever worked with. LOVE LOVE LOVE brioche!

We ate the brioche plain, toasted with jam, and as French Toast. Dorie had a playing around idea for sugar crusted french toast and we decided to make it. HOLY MOLY!!! Hands down the best french toast EVER!

For the french toast, slice the brioche into 1" slices. Soak 6 1" slices for 3 minutes in a mixture of 6 large eggs, 3 egg yolks, 3 1/2 cups milk, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 TBSP vanilla, and 1/2 tsp salt. When bread is ready, heat a large skillet or griddle and melt 3 TBSP butter. Sprinkle butter with 2 TBSP sugar and top with bread slices. Sprinkle tops of bread with more sugar and flip to cook. Serve with fruit & syrup.
Head over to Tea and Scones for the brioche recipe. You won't be sorry!!!


  1. Oh wow. Lexi has become a BIG fan of French toast. That looks AMAZING!!!! :)

  2. Oh wow! I really really wanted to bake this...I should have made the time:)
    It looks and sounds amazing!

  3. My plan was also to make french toast with this, but the loaves never got made. I posted the raisin snails and sticky buns made with the brioche dough instead.

  4. I have never made brioche or tasted it. That will change soon. Your french toast looks amazing.

  5. That french toast has me drooling...yum!

  6. That french toast is so gorgeous that my mouth is watering!

  7. I thought about making French toast but I was too late. It disappeared. We enjoyed it plain and I had some with cream cheese and it was good.

    Your French toast is a winner.

  8. looks good any way you serve it.

  9. This looks fabulous!! Thanks for the great recipe.

  10. That really does look like the best French toast ever. I can't wait to haul my bonus loaf out of the freezer and make some!

  11. So many wonderfully delicious ways to use the brioche.

    Thanks for baking with me this week.


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