Tuesday, June 7, 2011

TWD: Blueberry-Brown Sugar Plain Cake

I love cakes like this. Cakes that are quick to throw together, taste great, and aren't too fussy. Cakes that can be eaten for breakfast, snack, or dessert. This was so yummy and I'll definitely make it again!

Thanks to Cindy of Everyday Insanity for hosting this week. The recipe can be found at her blog.


  1. Me too. Yours looks delicious!

  2. Yes, this was a great cake. I was luck enough to find fresh blueberries that were wonderful.

  3. Thanks so much for cooking along with me this week. I have met so many friends thru TWD. This was such a fun cake. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Have a great day.

  4. Such a delicious, easy cake. Yours looks pretty with the big blueberry streak in the middle!

  5. You've got a point there. We don't want to be eating those super sweet cakes every now and then. So that type of cake will certainly do.

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