Tuesday, March 8, 2011

TWD: Corniest Corn Muffins

I sometimes (okay, all the time) feel like a broken record on Tuesdays. But what can I say? Dorie Greenspan is a baking genius and pretty much ALL of her recipes rock. Seriously. They all rock. :)

These corn muffins are no different. I have a honey corn bread recipe that I always use. I love it and have been making it for years. I thought that this recipe would be good, but I didn't expect them to be SO good. Made with buttermilk and filled with lots of corn... oh my word. SO GOOD! The leftovers that were sitting on the counter were calling my name like they were chocolate chip cookies. They were so hard to resist!!!

Thanks to Jill of My Next Life for hosting this week. The recipe can be found at her blog.


  1. Wow you must love them if you compare them to Chocolate chip cookies!! Don't you love it when you find a great recipe! I loved the buttermilk!
    Your muffins look wonderful!

  2. Very nice! You're right, Dorie is a baking goddess, and she always gets it right!

  3. I agree--all of Dories recipe have been excellent. These were no exception.

  4. Awesome looking muffins - so glad you loved them! :)

  5. These were a huge hit at my house, also. You just can't go wrong with Dorie.....it's pretty much a homerun every week. Thanks for baking with me!

  6. I think the honey ones sound great too! Yours are really pretty muffins. Loved these.


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