Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TWD: Double Apple Bundt Cake

Yes, I realize this doesn't look like a Bundt cake. There are two reasons for that.

Reason #1- I quartered the recipe and used a mini cake tin.

Reason #2- The cake was really moist and didn't unmold well. I am blaming that on the fact that I used homemade apple butter instead of storebought. I don't know for certain if that is what caused it, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

So, what does one do when a cake doesn't unmold well? You crumble the cake, throw it in a pretty dish, and whip up some cream to top it all off. Oh, and maybe a little spoonful of homemade apple butter!

I want to say that the cake was absolutely delicious. Between the apple butter, the grated fresh apples, walnuts, and the raisins... YUM, YUM, and YUM!

Thanks to Lynne of Honey Muffin for hosting this week. The recipe can be found at her blog or on page 184 of Baking:From My Home to Yours.


  1. I bet your homemade apple butter was WAY better than any store bought brand!!!

  2. Your presentation is beautiful. There are no rules that say you have to slice cake!

  3. That is a cute little serving dish. I toyed with using homemade apple butter as well, but I did not have enough. It looks yummy though.

  4. I would have done the same thing. I think everything tastes better curmbled up in a bowl with ice cream!

  5. i like your serving presentation.

  6. I've done the same thing with less than perfect brownies and cookies! Looks yum that way too. :-)

  7. I made homemade apple butter, too. SO good. While my cake unmolded fine, slices of the cake didn't hold together as well as some I've seen. Maybe it IS the apple butter. Don't really care. Love the apple butter by the spoonfuls.
    Way to make do and it looks great!

  8. I love your results. I wish I'd had mine that way. I used pureed bananas instead of apple butter and it really kept the shape.

  9. Great save! I wish I still had some left to try it like that.

  10. The important thing is that you got to enjoy it!


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