Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TWD: Coffee Break Muffins

Up until about 2 years ago, I couldn't stand coffee. I didn't like the smell and definately didn't like the taste. I'm not sure what changed it for me, but now I start out every morning with a cup of coffee (or two... or three... you know how it is!). I still am learning to like the coffee flavor in things other than coffee, but it is sometimes hit or miss for me.

Luckily, these muffins were a hit! Nathan and I really enjoyed them. I could taste the coffee, but it wasn't overpowering. I actually enjoyed the coffee flavor in it and would make these again.

Thanks to Rhiani of Chocoholic Anonymous for hosting this week. The recipe can be found at her blog or on page 15 of Baking: From My Home To Yours.


  1. Ciao Cristine !! Weren't they wonderful ? love

  2. Seeing all these muffins around has givin me a muffin craving. Make mine a mocha! :)

  3. reading the posts this week i'm surprised how many ppl dont' like coffee! yours look great!
    I made mine into coffee cake with chopped chocolate bars on top! Tia @ Buttercreambarbie

  4. Yay! I'm glad you liked them! They look adorable piled up in that mug.

  5. Oh thank goodness you came around to the coffee side - I can't imagine life without it!

  6. Glad you liked the muffins! I used hot cocoa instead of coffee.

  7. i'm still not a coffee drinker to where i can sit and drink a cup with breakfast. i can drink starbucks iced coffees with lots of milk and sugar haha! but i do appreciate the flavor in baked goods. thank goodness cus these were gooood!

  8. Your becoming quite the photographer! I love the picture with the muffins in the mug...perfect!!
    I loved this recipe because it was super easy and tasted super good! I used chai tea but want to try coffee. Im not a big fan of coffee in my baked goods..but after reading other bakers comments I want to give them a try!!
    I hope your sweet little girl is feeling better. I used to love having my kids home on sick days..not that I liked them sick..but it was nice to have them with me:))

  9. I absolutely love your photograph, you have a great eye for layout. And the muffins look tasty too :)

    I actually don't care for coffee as a beverage, but I grew up in RI drinking coffee milk so I tend to love coffee flavored stuff. Glad you were able to enjoy these.

  10. It's funny how our tastes change as we get older, isn't it? These look great!


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