Monday, August 23, 2010

Rotini with Grilled Zucchini and Chicken

This may not be the most beautiful looking meal but it was one of the tastiest I have had! Something about the combination of grilled chicken, grilled zucchini, and pasta in a cheese sauce is amazing. We inhaled this dinner and next time we will double it because it was great cold, too!

Rotini with Grilled Zucchini and Chicken
Recipe slightly adapted from Eat at Home

1 box garden rotini
4 boneless chicken breasts
1 zucchini, quartered lengthwise
Olive oil
Seasoned salt
4 Tbs. butter
1 clove garlic, minced or pressed
2 cups half & half, warmed
1/2 cup shredded parmesan
1/2 cup shredded provolone
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
Fresh basil

Boil the pasta according to the package directions.

Sprinkle the chicken breasts with seasoned salt and grill till done, then slice. Brush the zucchini with olive oil and sprinkle with seasoned salt. Grill for about 10 minutes. Cut the finished zucchini into bite sized pieces.

Melt the butter in a skillet. Cook the garlic in the butter for a minute or two. Whisk in the half & half and cook for a few minutes over medium heat. Add a pinch or two of seasoned salt. Stir in the cheeses and let them melt.

Mix the drained pasta, chicken, zucchini, tomatoes, basil and sauce together in a bowl and serve.


  1. Sounds great, I love anything with zucchini in it and pasta just makes it that much better!!!

  2. The flavors here sound great Cristine.

  3. I agree--the flavors sound spectacular. It's going on my list to make. Thanks for the recipe!

  4. I am so making this this weekend when Mark is home. It looks so yummy and I just love zucchini.


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