Tuesday, September 2, 2008

TWD: Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters

It's Tuesday again and that means more Dorie! This weeks recipe was chosen by Stefany of Proceed with Caution. The recipe is Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters found on page 73 of "Baking: Frome My Home To Yours".

I was happy to make a cookie recipe because they tend to be quick, easy, and delicious! This was no exception. You do have to let the dough chill for a bit, but that added to the easy appeal for me! It helps to be able to break up a recipe, especially with the kiddos!

Upon first bite I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. The cinnamon was definately a front runner in this cookie and it took me by surprise. But... 4 cookies later I realized I really liked them! Thank goodness for the McBride's or else I woud've eaten every last one!

Thanks, Stefany, for a great choice! Oh, and you can find the recipe at her blog!


  1. Ooh, what a nice looking bowl o cookies! It's funny - I didn't really notice the cinnemon...
    The Dogs Eat the Crumbs

  2. LOL... four cookies later... that sounds familiar.

    Great job, they came out really nice!

  3. They look good! I didn't really notice the cinnamon either.

  4. They look delicious, lovely photo's too.

  5. They look yummy. These weren't my favorite, but I still ate 'em!!

  6. i thought they were just ok but then i couldn't stop eating them! :)


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